009 The Natural State


Air Date: 2024-01-06

Little Rock 9 Memorial

Arkansas is where nature and history meet the South. From the Ozark Mountains to the diamond mine of Murfreesboro, Ben and Randy unravel the unique charm that makes Arkansas a hidden gem in the heart of America.

Randy's Rambling

Read this million-seller!

Melba Pattillo was one of the Little Rock Nine who courageously integrated Central High School in 1957. Randy shares more of her story.

Recommended Resources

Warriors Don't Cry by Melba Patillo Beals (2007)

Featured Sponsor

Band of Tours offers tours of all kinds, but specializes in WW2 history. They especially focus on the airborne troops with an emphasis on the Band of Brothers (E Company, 506 Parachute Infantry, 101st Airborne) of WW2.


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